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We have started to get fan art from the readers and we couldn't be more thrilled to feature them here! Some of these may even get turned into covers! Feel free to submit your artwork to us via THIS LINK and you can get featured here on the website!

You guys are awesome and we are so thrilled you are as excited about our character as we are! 

For any colorists, if you wish to have a go at any of the line art (for portfolio usage only),  feel free to contact us!


Karnal Sin

Karnal Sin

Artist Samiha Nawreen devastated our inbox with this absolutely marvelous piece of Karnal Sin over the summer! You can find more gorgeous work by her on instagram! @sam_ajestic

Karnal Sin colors: Crystal Dassanc

Karnal Sin colors: Crystal Dassanc

Karnal Sin by Yolanda Ruiz

Karnal Sin by Yolanda Ruiz

Yolanda Ruiz, also known as YoYo, is a professional illustrator whose work has been featured with Lady Death. You can find more wonderful work by Yoyo on instagram! @yoyos_element

Karnal Sin by Jay Velasquez

Karnal Sin by Jay Velasquez

You can find more wonderful work by Jay on instagram! @jayvelasquez_illustration

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